Поэт, переводчик, действительный член Географического общества СССР, киноактер. С 1954 по 1979 год в летние месяцы жил на даче в Мытищах.
Начал печататься в 1940-е годы. Родоначальник самиздата. На протяжении десятилетий издавал собственные машинописные стихотворные сборники, которые называл «самсебяиздат». От этого слова впоследствии произошло всемирно известное понятие «самиздат».
Мытищинский историко-художественный музей обладает самой большой коллекцией самиздатовских произведений известного поэта. Первую книгу Н. Глазков издал в 1957 году. В 10-ти прижизненных сборниках многие стихи подверглись цензуре.
Опубликованные в 1980–1990-е годы книги не вместили все наследие поэта, многие произведения до сих пор не увидели свет.
Glazkov Nikolay Ivanovich (1919–1979)
was a poet, a translator, a full member of the Geographical society of the USSR and a movie actor. He used to spend the summer time in Mytischi from 1954 until 1979.
His works were first published in the 1940s. For decades he published his own typewritten collections of poetry, which he called “samsebyaizdat” (to be published by one self). Later the term “samizdat” came into use and became internationally recognized.
The Mytischi museum of history and fine arts possesses the richest collection of samizdat works created
by the well-known poet. His first book was published by Glazkov in 1957. Ten of his collections of poetry were censored during his life.
The compilations of his works, which were published later in the 1980-1990s, do not represent the complete legacy of the poet. Many of his works were never released.